All sites that have communal blocks must have buildings insurance to cover them as a property as a whole, as per your individual property lease. And depending on what the lease stipulates, it will be instructed to be arranged either by the Freeholder, or the the Directors of the management company.
If you feel that an insurance claim should be made, this will depend on the terms of the policy, and the cost of the claim compared to the excess that would automatically be payable.
Unfortunately, the insurance claim procedure can be complicated. Firstly, you must contact the office with as much information as possible. We will then communicate with the insurance company and any possible/relevant contractors. Please bear in mind that anything to do with insurance may take some time. It is also important to know that the final decision about taking on insurance claims lies with the insurance company. There may also be an insurance excess cost. Hegarty will act as a liaison between you and the insurance company and will assist throughout the whole claim.
You can find a copy of the buildings insurance certificate by logging into the client portal, or alternatively, you can contact the office to request a copy.
Other insurance policies that could be in place are the Directors and Officers insurance, this provides personal liability cover provided for directors/officers of your management company in the event of any claim against them.
Public Liability Insurance covers property damage to the communal areas of a developments ground, and is usual for sites that are classed as ‘estate only’ sites.
Engineering Insurance will be in place for a machinery on site, such as lifts and gates. It is a comprehensive insurance that provides complete protection against risks associated with erection, resting and working of any machinery, plant or equipment, and includes visits to site every six months to access the machinery is working correctly, and safely.
Contents insurance, on the other hand, is the responsibility of whoever is living in the property, either the Tenant or the Landlord.